Monday, September 03, 2007

Theory of Chaos

In the beginning there was nothing! Good will, maybe desire, maybe the wish of something more... and Bang!!!! I was born and then it was decided: chaos will rule my existence!
Never, maybe until lately, maybe until now I realized such an important factor. Everything tends to go towards chaos, the ultimate disorder of the world, the last stop on our way to emptiness (or is it emptiness the first step to chaos?). My life was always the ultimate journey to the absolute and unresolved collapse and I never realized what I was doing until now, now that the end is closer!
But the theory goes on and on about the balance between chaos and its counterpart, its counterweight, but form here and looking back... there were moments of peace and happiness... but chaos always fascinated me, always made me give one more step than I really needed... one step closer to the end.
But the end can just mean another Bang! another beginning, the arrival of the blue skies and sunshines.
I guess my life doesn't challenge the laws of the universe: chaos, collapse and re-start!
One more step and I will jump, one more step and I will be born again... or will I remain the same?

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