Sunday, January 07, 2007

In the end

Times have come when you rethink every single detail of your life, from the decision you do not know when it happened of stopping to have breakfast, to the heavy weight step you don't know how it happened of falling in love.
You realize how some things are meaningless and pointless in pursuing while other are so important and you never ever gave it decent thinking.
When such times come it is inevitable to think in the most rational way and ask yourself: In the end what's really going to matter?
The answer to this question changes form time to time, from person to person. More hurt people dedicate their time to their careers, passionate people are always willing to leave all and every one for the love of their lives. Crazy people seem to be happy no matter what turns out in the end. You can call them crazy or maybe hedonists, because no matter what's next in line to happen they know they can always enjoy themselves and appreciate life as the greatest gift ever.
Even to me, the crazy passionate hedonist, a broken heart with a smile seems unlikely or even impossible, but if you know that life's pleasures are a never ending list of orgasmic sensations and unique tastes... then no pain can drag you to the last station, no pain is able to move you away from your destiny - happiness!
A broken heart never seems to be vaccinated against another challenge, a career is never the last upgrade in your life, the final destination of eternal knowledge.
It doesn't matter if you know all the answers. What is important is what will you do when new questions cross your way!

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