Sunday, January 07, 2007

the day your heart exploded

The sun shines now after the snow fall. Can you imagine a better scenario for your heart to explode?
It's not a pretty sigh. There's blood all over, rage and passion laying on the same wall, side by side...
So many times she made you feel like shit, lost and alone, always wrong... so many times that happens that one day your heart reaches the limit and explodes!
You keep that dark rock covered with ice that will keep your blood flow, that will make you smile once in a while, that will remind you of your friends... But you don't forget that easily that someone fucked up your heart and you have to build it from scratch once again.
But it's not the first time, but you hope this will be the last... But that's life! And either you accept it and live it, or you're as good as dead!

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