Monday, January 15, 2007

Adrenaline spike

The morning was dark but not as cold as before. The clouds take charge of the sky, but here and there I can see sunbeams ripping the monotonous grayish-white.
The morning was pretty normal - normal coffee intake, normal thoughts (of you), normal blood pressure, normal heart rate, normal nicotine intake... And then came lunch and I believe it was the energetic intake that boosted my hyper state. Now the blood pressure surely went up, the heart rate? Lets not even talk about that; try to refrain the nicotine intake and the caffeine addiction. Now my body has a will of its own, no longer answering to what my brain tries to rationalize! My legs move as if I needed to run away from here, away from some imminent danger (I do want to get out of here and run into your arms), my thoughts anticipate your return, our gathering... my ands shake nervously...
Only ours away, and these ours will feel like days, months, years, a whole eternity gone by. I already feel my few hair turning gray, then white, as the sky full of clouds, as waiting for the sun to shine, waiting for you, sunshine...

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