Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Life changes

Time goes by and we change, the world changes and life changes with it too.
Before I was feeling myself growing older as time passed. Today, everytime I look myself in the mirror I feel myself growing up.
I've changed so much that I could almost say that I barely know myself. But the fact is that I think I'm changing for better and most of the times I think I like what I see in the mirror.
Well, I didn't change taht, that much. I still eat a bar of chocolate during the evenings while drinking a litre of juice of a nice mug of coffee. But now I drink my tea and my coffee without sugar (YES, no need to faint. The boy who used to drink a mug of coffee with 4 packs of sugar is done!). Yes, I still smoke and drink, but I can see myself without smoking and I'm drinking less than before.
I've been experiencing so many things that I could only grow up...
Words run from the tips of my fingers - thant was another change - and sometimes I feel like there's no poetry in me anymore... but I know it's all there!

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