Thursday, June 01, 2006

Birds and barbeque

It’s amazing how birds can still sing when it’s almost 10 pm. How they happily sing and their voices come through my opened window and fill my room of joy and sunshine.
When your day goes bad and according to Murphy’s Laws, there nothing like taking the chance you are given of doing something completely out of the schedule.
So me and my roommates decided to have a barbeque and all in a sudden we had more food than we could eat. So their parents and other family came over and we had the barbeque and a wonderful time in the back yard, chatting and eating and drinking what became my speciality in here: Sangria!
So after an awful day where all that could go wrong really went wrong I managed to have a really good time and have a smile now, that the day ends and the melodies of the birds still cheer me.
When will I smile again by no apparent reason?

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