Monday, June 25, 2007

The gift of the sea

You always seem to have the gift to know when I need you, even when I know I need you and decide I should take it like a man and do it, pass by it, on my own.
I worry, as I always did, more than before, and you tell me to calm down, that everything is ok: "Just started to miss you and wanted to hear your voice!"
I swear I can see you blush on the other side of the line, on the other side of the world where dawn is coming fast, while here night is never night at all. And we talk, and you listen to my never ending adventures, and ask all the right questions at the right time and slowly everything seems to make sense, in my troubled mind the light finally shines, all the confusion is now rationality.
And I always seem to be able to talk about everything, open my heart and my mind to you and I always seem to get the words I should listen.
As always, your words inspire my words, and before you I complained about the confusion of my words and now... now my words flow and my mind is clear, I can now see: I am me!

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