Sunday, June 17, 2007

The emptiness of us

Days and nights, the rain falling second after second for minutes in a row.
Memories of you, of us invade my room, my mind, my world.
I wonder: when did you leave? Did you leave at all?
But most importantly: were you ever real? Were we real at all?
Sometimes, in between my sleep, my happy dreams almost seem real: I feel your touch, your lips onto mine, your aroma, sweet orgasm in my nostrils. Sometimes, even when I'm awake and I can see you I doubt if it was real at all...
But then, then you smile and I smile and we both laugh and all the memories come back, and the certainty of our existence eases my main, my inner pain.
How did we get to here?
The question always comes shortly after you leave. And behind you leave the emptiness of us as my sole company, my faithful friend.

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