Sunday, January 28, 2007


It was a sunday like every other sunday before, like many sundays to come. Nothing special about it (or was it?). All in a sudden inspiration struck. I could feel the ideas floating but the mess in my head was as bad as the mess in this desk. I needed a start, a word, a spark. But you were sparking so much already... or was I sparking just by thinking of you?
Then the word came as sweet as your mouth as perfect as you. Incredible! And now here I am thinking about all the ways I can let you know how you are incredible without being cheesy or repeat myself... But when I think incredible I can't think about anything else or anyone else but you and how incredibly lucky I was to ever come across you, how my life became even more MY LIFE when part of it means you... Incredible afternoons waiting for the sunset, sitting in the sand, sipping some "see-cold" white wine... Incredible places we've been, holding hands, kissing, smiling and laughing... Incredible happiness we were gifted with...
You suggested superstition... But I don't believe in superstition. I do sleep only on the left side of the bed... and I never use the same cologne if I'm not with the same person... And I don't walk under stairs or plan something big for friday the 13th... I plan something amazing, enormous... But I'm not superstitious, I'm just crazy! And I agree with my friend that talks to the moon: I rather be crazy than stupid!

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