Monday, January 29, 2007

3 wishes!

I was calmly walking down the street! One of those days when you just roam nowhere and just enjoy the rain that rarely falls. In a traffic light post was a poster. Plain white with the typical times new roman lettering. The message was clear:
"The world is going to end tomorrow and you have 3 wishes. Are you ready?"
Well, this is a new one. No "call this number right now!" nor "we have the solutions to your problems!".
I decided to keep my roam in the rain and keep my head occupied with this thoughts. There's no point in asking for world peace and the end of hunger because the world is going to end anyway. No need to ask for money and fortune because there's not enough time to enjoy it. And at this point it was starting to get hard... I started to feel my chest shrinking and crushing my inner organs, my heart racing like a maniac... PANIC!
I thought about you, about all the plans and dreams and amazing things waiting for us to live...
Slowly the rain got warmer and warmer, and heavier... and if trying to wash panic away...
I looked ahead and a bright ray o sunlight was ripping the dense roof of clouds. Word by word my wishes started to gain shape:"I wish I can spend every second of the rest of my life by your side!" and I repeated it 3 times... that was my wish, three times my wish...
I realized that if the world ends tomorrow there's only one thing I must do. I picked up my phone:"Did I tell you today you are beautiful? Did I tell you today that I love you so much that there're no words that can possibly describe it? I will cook dinner tonight. Dress fancy!"
The rain was now gone as well as all my fears and panic.
We had dinner and several bottles of wine. We laughed so truly and so perfectly. And now here you are sleeping like an angel...

The alarm clock went off. You are mumbling something... Guess the world didn't end... Was it just a dream or did we actually laughed all that last night?...
I kiss you in the forehead. And just in case the world ends tomorrow I whisper: You truly are beautiful!

1 comment:

Pomegranate said...

Hmm.. Realmente dá que pensar! :)
Gostei imenso! E ainda so vou no 2º post... vai ser cá uma maratona!! :) Mas uns minutos (ou horas...) bem passados certamente!