Saturday, June 17, 2006

The end is the begining

Please tell me it’s gonna be ok, tell me everything will be alright, just fine. Tell me I’ll dream again and I’ll smile when I wake up ‘cause you’re there by my side. Tell me this pain will end and the tears will stop dropping and my nose will stop running. Tell the future is bright and shinny, tell at least that there is a future!
I pick up the phone and dial number after number in my long list of friends and there’s no one there. I’m alone and lost and hurt and I will have to deal with it all by myself.
I try to see the bright side, I try to see how this can be a beginning but the tear in my eyes don’t let me see straight. And the clouds… all those clouds…
I have no problems in identifying the end… but it’s getting hard to see a beginning!
Why is my life such a bitch!?

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