Friday, November 23, 2007

When your body starts quiting

One day you wake up and look yourself in the mirror: a gray hair here, less hair there, a few wrinkles all over. You grab the first piece of ID you can and check for birth date. You're right - you are getting older!
No more endless nights of alcohol and party and friends, no more crazy nights of studying and paper writing: your body quits too early!
Then all in a sudden you do feel old, all your life changes, you let your life change. Think about how comfortable it feels to stay home in the warmth of central heating and a nice cup of freshly brewed coffee or recently steeped tea. Think about how much a kiss means because they are more and more rare, think about what true love really is because soon that's all you will be able to hold on to... And then again maybe not! Maybe true love isn't all you truly need... Maybe true love doesn't really exist.. So many maybes and so few answers...
But the truth is that when your body starts quiting it's time to really pay attention to the clock ticking in your wrist, time to open your eyes and truly live!!!
Every second is precious!

1 comment:

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